
The Best Computer Monitor Stand

There are a lot of amazing companies making amazing products out of wood, leather, and metal. One product that I have seen a few different versions for that I really like are computer monitor stands. Putting your computer monitor on a stand is really beneficial for many people. For some reason monitors don’t sit at the perfect ergonomic height for most sitting desks. Most people should be propping their computer monitor up 4-8 inches higher than where their monitor normally sits on their desk. This really helps you sit properly at your desk. Over the years I have seen a lot of different solutions for people elevating their monitor without a real stand. The make shift stands range from a stack of books underneath their monitor to a couple of 4×4 pieces of wood that had to be balanced properly because they weren’t even big enough to support the full width of the feet of the monitor. But really the best solution is to use a monitor stand that has been properly designed to support your computer’s monitor. I have a few favorites, and of course they are made out of wood.

I have shared products from Grovemade before. I have even recorded a podcast telling their origin’s story. Grovemade also makes a beautiful monitor stand. Their stand is made from laminate wood and formed into an awesome curved shape that really adds a lot of character to a desk. My favorite part about the design is the chamfered edge on the front of the stand. Designing this edge with a chamfer gives a lightweight and sleek appearance to the stand. But the overall thickness of the laminated wood shows the strength. This is a balance that all designers are looking for. Designing a product that appears strong but not bulky and heavy is not an easy task. Their stand is sold for $119.

Grovemade Monitor Stand_ModernGearGrovemade monitor stand_Modern Gear

But maybe you are in Europe and want something similar. There is another really awesome company called Woodcessories. They make a number of wood lifestyle accessories including a wood computer monitor stand that is similar and they sell it for 99.90€.Woodcessories monitor stand Modern GearWoodcessories monitor stand Modern Gear

The final wood computer stand that I really like is from a company called Ergonofis. They primarily make custom standing desks made with real hardwood. They also make a few accessories including an awesome solid walnut wood monitor stand. This stand is made from some of the leftover materials from making their awesome standing desks. I love that it is made from a single piece of wood and you can follow the grain down the legs of the stand. This stand is sold for $109

Ergonofis monitor stand Modern Gear Ergonofis monitor stand Modern Gear

These are just three options that I personally like that are made of wood. I would love to hear about you. What is your current monitor stand set up? Do you have a makeshift stand? Or do use a different style of monitor stand Share your photos with me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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